Where do I put the pills for abortion?

abortion pills in dubai

If you are accessing our “Home Abortion Pills” service (telemedicine) or attending one of our clinics for an in-person appointment, you want to know how to take the abortion pills. This blog will provide you with step-by-step guidance on taking abortion pills.

What is Medical Abortion or “Abortion Pills”? A medical abortion, also known as “abortion pills,” is a method of ending a pregnancy using medication. The treatment involves taking two different medications at different times.

The first medication, called Mifepristone, is taken to block the necessary hormones for pregnancy. A second medication called Misoprostol is used to expel the pregnancy from the uterus.

This method is a safe option for most people, and it is typically recommended for pregnancies up to 9 weeks and 6 days. We offer telemedicine services for home abortion with pills, which means you can receive the abortion pills without the need for an in-person clinic visit, provided you meet safety standards without a physical examination. The medications can either be collected from one of our clinics or mailed to your home address after your consultation.

Where do I put the pills for abortion?
Where do I put the pills for abortion

How to Take Abortion Pills – Your 4-Step Medical Abortion Process

Once you have received your medical abortion package (either by mail or collected from one of our clinics), your medical abortion process consists of 4 steps. Detailed instructions can be found in our “Medical Abortion Treatment and Aftercare” booklet.

Step 1: First Pill (Mifepristone) – After you receive your package, take your first pill (Mifepristone). There’s no need to wait when you receive the package because you should be less than 10 weeks pregnant when taking the pills. Remove the Mifepristone pill from the package, swallow it with water, and don’t hesitate. Most people can carry on with their regular activities after taking Mifepristone. If you vomit within 20 minutes, please call our 24-hour careline at +971558701845

Step 2: Stage 1 – After completing Stage 1 (24-48 hours later), remove the 4 Misoprostol pills from the perforated package. You can either place all 4 pills between your cheek and gums, as we recommend because it has fewer side effects, or insert them into your vaginal canal. When you start to bleed, the pills can be removed from the vaginal canal. Don’t worry if the pills come out; the medication will be absorbed within 30 minutes.

For more detailed instructions and helpful images on how to place the pills between your cheek and gums or in your vaginal canal, refer to our “Medical Abortion Treatment and Aftercare” booklet.

Step 3: Additional Pills (Misoprostol) – Complete Stage 2 by taking the remaining 2 Misoprostol pills 3 hours after Stage 2. Most people will experience noticeable cramping and relief from the pain with this step. After your medical abortion, you can find all the necessary information about your recovery on our aftercare page.

Step 4: Pregnancy Test – Three weeks after completing Step 3, it is essential to take a pregnancy test using the provided pregnancy test, as it is different from store-bought tests.

After an abortion, certain pregnancy hormones may remain in your body for up to two months. This means that a self-bought pregnancy test can show a positive result even though you are no longer pregnant. This is why we provide a specific test to use.

If your pregnancy test is positive, please call our careline at +971558701845 to speak with a healthcare professional. Our team can arrange for an evaluation if necessary and assist you in booking further treatment.

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